
Garden adventures, thoughts and ideas…

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Pixie Cantaloupe

Wow, what a great gardening season it’s been this year. With regular rainfall and warm temperatures, everything is bursting with fresh produce. This is the best tomato year so far, and my first time trying “Pixie Cantaloupe” was outstanding. Definitely one I would grow again.

This compact, palm-sized hybrid melon weighs in at roughly 1.5-2 pounds and the fruit is deliciously sweet and juicy. With a small seed cavity and plenty of bright orange fruit, it’s the perfect size for a hot afternoon snack. And it’s just fun to grow – bizarre looking, however, when mature.

It’s ideal in locations with a shorter growing season. I’m in zone 5. These went in the ground June 1st and we’re harvesting now. They are typically 70-75 days.

I grew these “up”. They take up a lot of room once they get going, the fruit is small, but the vines meander. These are on a trellis with bird netting to allow the delicate tendrils to curl into the netting and grow up the trellis.

On the vineOn the vine

RipeReady to harvest – looks like a creepy eyeball

InsideReady to eat!